Winterization of the motorhome’s water system is required in below-freezing temperatures to prevent damages to the water pump, water tank, water lines, water filter, water heater and holding tanks. Damages to the plumbing system due to lack of winterization are the renter’s liability.
Depending on the temperatures, the following steps are the responsibility of the Renter:
Overnight - for a few hours - just a few degrees below freezing:
- Empty the wastewater tanks before the temperature drops below freezing for the night. After a freezing night, the valves will be frozen, and the tanks cannot be emptied. Defrosting solid ice will take more than just a few degrees above freezing in the morning.
- Keep the water heater on overnight.
- Turn the furnace on; set at minimum of 55°F (13°C) – even if you are not staying in the vehicle for the night! It is strongly recommended to have electrical hook up as the furnace may drain the batteries in one night.
All day below or around freezing; below freezing all night:
If the day-time temperature remains below freezing or reaches barely above freezing, the water system must be professionally winterized. This can only be done at a qualified RV service center or at an El Monte RV or Road Bear RV branch and includes emptying the water tank, draining, and bypassing the water heater and flushing the water system with a non-toxic antifreeze. Any cost associated with such a winterization (and de-winterization) is the Renter’s responsibility.
While a vehicle is fully winterized, the freshwater tank CANNOT be filled, or the city-water be connected. Bottled water can be used to wash your hands, face, or brush your teeth. Occasional rinsing of the drains with RV/Marine-approved antifreeze is required. When using the bathroom facilities of the motor home, antifreeze needs to be used to flush. A dilution of maximum 50% with (bottled) water is acceptable.
Vehicles picked up at the Denver, New York, & Seattle locations are always winterized between October 31th and March 31st. Depending on weather conditions this period may be longer. Vehicles out of other rental locations may be winterized as well, depending on outside temperatures. Renter can pay a fee to have the vehicle de-winterized (may not be available if local weather conditions are too severe).
Vehicles picked up at locations where the vehicle is NOT winterized can pay a fee to have it winterized for their trip (may not be available at all locations).
It is the Renter’s responsibility to have the vehicle winterized while on a trip at his/her own expense should the weather conditions require it. The Renter is also financially responsible for having the vehicle re-winterized on the return trip if the vehicle was winterized at the time of pick up. A winterization fee will be charged at drop off if the vehicle is returned non-winterized – regardless of the outside temperatures (exceptions only with prior authorization).
Returns at the Denver, New York, & Seattle locations need to be returned winterized (at own cost) from October 31st to March 31st. Depending on weather conditions, this period may be longer (check with the return location if not sure).
The Renter will be fully responsible for any damages to the water system caused by freezing during their trip.